
The Parliament of Victoria and the parliamentary departments welcome your feedback to help improve the services we provide.

Feedback may come in the form of a complaint, compliment or a comment on your interaction with us.

How do I provide feedback?

You can provide feedback by completing the Online feedback form.

What happens when I provide feedback?

The timing and nature of our response will depend on the type of feedback submitted, whether a response has been sought, and the details provided. We will endeavour to acknowledge receipt of all feedback within five (5) working days.

Should you provide a comment or complaint requiring follow up, we will provide an initial response within fifteen (15) working days.

Depending on the nature of the feedback further investigation or follow up may be required. If this is the case, our initial response will outline what action is being taken.

What response can I expect if I make a complaint or comment?

Our ability to address your concerns depends on the nature of your feedback, comment or complaint.

We will address feedback, comments or complaints related to:

  • The standard of service we provide.
  • The facilities you use when interacting with the parliament buildings or a parliamentary department.
  • The behaviour of our staff or contractors.
  • Any action or lack of action by staff or contractors affecting an individual or group.

Please note that we are not able to receive or take action on feedback, comments or complaints in relation to:

  • Statements and actions by Members of Parliament or matters relating to their electorate office, including electorate officers. Please direct your  communication directly to the Member or electorate office.
  • Proceedings of either House of Parliament including Parliamentary committee proceedings.
  • The government, including the work of government departments, statements by ministers and government policy.
  • The courts, federal government or agencies, local councils or the governor.
  • Political parties, public bodies and other external organisations, businesses or not-for-profits.
  • Complaints where procedures or remedies are set out in legislation, eg privacy complaints under the Privacy and Data Protection 2014 (Vic) or protected disclosures under the Public Interest Disclosures Act 2012 (Vic).
  • Other matters unrelated to the services or facilities we provide.

We do not collect or retain feedback, comments or complaints received in relation to the above, and will delete any such feedback received.

Can I make an anonymous comment or complaint?

You can make an anonymous comment or complaint but it may impact our ability to provide you with appropriate information or to respond to your feedback.

What happens to the information I provide?

We use information you provide to respond to feedback, and may also analyse the information provided for the purpose of improving our services that relate to the feedback.

For information on how we collect and use your personal information, refer to our Privacy policy and our Privacy collection notice - website.

Feedback form

Provide your email address to enable us to be in touch with you if we need more information and to update with you with the outcome.

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Need further information or assistance?

If you require further information regarding this process or are having difficulty using the Online feedback form, you can email us at, call us on (03) 9651 8911 or (03) 9651 8682 or write to us at:

Parliament House
East Melbourne
Victoria 3002