Committees are formed of members from one house or both houses. Committees hold inquiries into particular issues and call for input from the wider community.
Committee news
Colac sets scene for regional housing inquiry
Environment | 12 March 2025
Members of the parliamentary committee examining the supply of homes in regional Victoria travelled to Colac for the first public hearing held as part of the inquiry.
A fairer share for cash-strapped councils
Economy | 28 November 2024
Inquiry report addresses rate capping, grants, cost shifting, core services and the financial sustainability of local councils with 48 recommendations for the state government to consider.
Inquiry report is food for thought
Society | 26 November 2024
A Victorian Food System Council with a wide range of representatives could be appointed to guide the development and implementation of a Victorian Food System Strategy.
Hungry kids find it hard to learn
Society | 20 November 2024
When children are hungry it makes it very difficult for them to concentrate, and when they can’t concentrate, it’s nearly impossible for them to learn, according to evidence presented to a recent Legislative Council inquiry.
Former committees
Find information about committees that concluded in previous parliaments.
Parliamentary inquiries
Inquiries are an opportunity for the public to have input into issues being considered by committees.