
The Parliament of Victoria makes every attempt to ensure that any material contained on this website is accurate and complete. However, we recommend you apply your own judgment and care when using it. 

We distribute the materials presented in this website for information purposes only. Information on this website is subject to change without notice.

We make no claim about the accuracy of information provided by others linking to our site. We do not sponsor, endorse or approve of the material on sites linked from or to this site.

The Parliament of Victoria will not accept liability for any loss or damage that may be incurred by any person relying on information on this site. Refer to authorised versions of legislation for official purposes.

We take every care to ensure our network’s security but make no warranties that the information and data is free of infection by computer viruses.

Any email address listed on this website does not imply that we consent to receiving unsolicited emails or spam. 

The Parliament of Victoria selects photography for this website that highlights the work that Parliament, its members and staff do to deliver representation for the people of Victoria. Subjects are chosen to reflect the diversity that exists both across the Victorian community and its representatives.

If you have any questions about our photography please contact the website redevelopment team.