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Collecting insights: Environmental adaptation in Victoria
What do our best-loved public science engagement institutions tell us about future environmental adaptation through their collections and research in Victoria?
When you visit the Museum or Zoo or Botanic Gardens, it can be a fascinating and fun day out, yet many don't realise our public institutions are engine rooms of important environmental research. There is a diverse range of work happening behind the scenes to measure, understand, plan, and adapt for the future of biodiversity in Victoria.
Join us for a conversation, streamed live from the Legislative Council chamber at Parliament House, to learn from the botanists, zoologists and collection managers leading this important work. Find out some of the ways they are planning to help our plants and animals adapt to our state's warming, drying climate.
Dr Sally Sherwen
Director of Wildlife Conservation and Science, Zoos Victoria
Professor Tim Entwisle
Director and Chief Executive, Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria
Dr Ken Walker
Senior Curator of Entomology, Museums Victoria
Date and time
Sunday 22 August 2021
2:00 pm
Parliament presents
This event was streamed live as part of our 'Parliament presents' series, which features conversations with some our state's leading experts, working across all sectors of the Victorian community.
Visit our YouTube playlist for more in this series.