
Integrity and Oversight Committee

The Committee is responsible for monitoring and reviewing the performance of the following agencies:

  • Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission (IBAC)
  • Integrity Oversight Victoria (IOV)
  • Office of the Victorian Information Commissioner (OVIC)
  • The Parliamentary Workplace Standards and Integrity Commission (PWSIC)
  • The Victorian Ombudsman (VO)

    As part of the Integrity and Oversight Committee’s monitoring and review of the performance of IBAC, IOV, OVIC, the PWSIC and the VO, it can:

  • examine the agencies’ reports, including annual reports
  • report to Parliament in relation to the agencies’ performance of their duties and functions
  • undertake inquiries into issues related to the work of the agencies and make recommendations for improvements
  • review the draft annual plans and budgets of IBAC, IOV and the VO
  • recommend to Parliament the appointment of an independent performance auditor and coordinate the conduct of a performance audit of IBAC, IOV and the VO at least once every four years
  • receive complaints about the agencies. (Note that while the Integrity and Oversight Committee can, in limited circumstances, investigate complaints about the Information Commissioner and OVIC under the Parliamentary Committees Act 2003 (Vic), it does not have the power to investigate complaints about IBAC, IOV or the VO. It is also prohibited from reconsidering decisions, findings or recommendations made by IBAC, IOV, OVIC, the PWSIC or the VO.) For more information on complaints, consult the IOC complaint fact sheet.
  • receive, assess and investigate public interest disclosures (PIDs) about IOV or an IOV officer under the  Public Interest Disclosures Act 2012 . For more information, consult the PID procedures.