Legislative Council Economy and Infrastructure Committee
Inquiry into the cultural and creative industries in Victoria
Conducting Public Hearings
On 25 May 2023, the Economy and Infrastructure Committee agreed to the following self-referral motion:
That the Economy and Infrastructure Committee resolves under Standing Order 23.04(3) that, given the economic and social significance of Victoria’s cultural and creative industries, for the Committee to inquire into, monitor and report, by November 2024, on —
(1) the economic and social impact of the Commonwealth Government’s Australian cultural policy, Revive, on Victoria’s arts and cultural industries including, in particular, Victoria’s share of national arts and cultural spending;
(2) regional Victoria’s share of national arts and cultural spending;
(3) the importance of spending in the Victorian economy and the cultural dynamism and representation in Victoria of government funded national broadcasters, the ABC and SBS, and, in particular, whether these broadcasters are spending in Victoria a share of their budget that matches the size of Victoria's population, economy and unique place within national cultural life;
(4) the ongoing financial sustainability of the seven national performing arts training organisations including whether Victoria’s share of this funding is adequate; and
(5) whether the Revive policy and relevant state government policies and spending provide sufficient support and impetus to rebuild and sustain Victoria’s cultural and creative industries following the devastating impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the sector.
The Committee resolved to extend the tabling date to 25 August 2025.
General enquiries
Parliament of Victoria
Economy and Infrastructure Committee
Parliament House, Spring Street
03 8682 2869