Legislative Assembly Petition: #202428 | closes 31 July 2024
867 signatures This petition is sponsored by Annabelle Cleeland Sign this petition

crag.colbinabbin@gmail.com started this petition


This petition of residents in Victoria draws to the attention of the Legislative Assembly the Cooba Solar Facility proposal for Colbinabbin, (Central Victoria). Those signing this petition are not against renewables, however are against the proposed location, being in the middle of the Heathcote Wine GI, on prime, highly arable agricultural land, on the eastern slope of the Mt Camel hill range. Colbinabbin, the town name derived from aboriginal meaning “the meeting of the black and red soils”, is renowned for it’s ancient Cambrian soil, and is not only a highly productive farming town, however highly sought-after grape growing country, and forms part of the popular Heathcote tourism mecca. The application also directly contradicts the Campaspe & State Planning Guidelines.


The petitioners therefore request that the Legislative Assembly call on the Government to reconsider the application of the Cooba Solar Facility, based on the location of the 665-hectare site with 740,000 eight-foot panels. 

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