Legislative Assembly Standing Orders Committee
The Committee reviews the standing orders (procedural rules) of the Legislative Assembly and makes recommendations for change.

Reports tabled by the committee
- Interim report - The inclusion of sessional orders and ongoing resolutions in the standing orders
- Procedures for joint sittings under section 165AU of the Public Health and Wellbeing Act 2008
- E-petitions, responding to statements and supplementary questions
- Review of the Standing Orders
- Final report on the Inquiry into sitting hours and the operation of the house
- Interim report on the Inquiry into sitting hours and the operation of the house
- Provisions in the standing orders regarding time limits for lead speakers
- Inquiry into petitions, the opening of parliament and the passage of legislation
- Inquiry into petitions, the opening of parliament and the passage of legislation
- E-petitions
- Review of the joint standing orders
- The modernisation of standing orders
- Inquiry into the establishment of an independent Parliamentary Commissioner for standards in Victoria
- The use of social media in the Legislative Assembly and reflections on the office of the Speaker
Legislative Assembly Standing Orders Committee
Parliament House
Spring Street