William Halse Gatty Jones
Died: 16 September 1897 (Glandwr Hall, Snowdonia National Park, Gwynedd, Wales)

Evelyn (1 March 1860 - 1 March 1863) By-election
*The start date for Members elected after 1900 is the date they were elected. The start date for pre-1900 Members is the date they were sworn in.
Committee Memberships
Member Crown Solicitor's Office Committee (20 November 1862 - 25 August 1864)
Member Pensions Bill Committee (12 March 1862 - 25 August 1864)
Member The Melbourne and Suburban Railway Act Amendment Bill Committee (2 May 1861 - 11 July 1861)
Member Committee of Elections and Qualifications (10 April 1861 - 11 July 1861)
Images of former members may be subject to copyright.
Research is ongoing to ensure the accuracy of former member information.
Committee memberships are being reviewed and updates will be published in due course.
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