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New resource for visiting Parliament House focuses on inclusion
15 November 2022
Two social stories have been developed to support people who are neurodiverse in undertaking a visit to Parliament House.
For many people, visiting Parliament for the first time can be overwhelming. For visitors who are neurodiverse and experience difficulties processing their environment, coming to a new and unfamiliar place can present extra challenges.
Produced in collaboration with Aspect Victoria, Amaze and Aspergers Victoria, the social stories aim to ensure a positive experience for all visitors to Parliament House.
Social stories were first developed in 1991 by teacher Carol Grey, and since then they have been used in many circumstances to explain social situations to people with Autism and to help learn about what to expect in new situations. Social stories can be written about social situations, for example going to the supermarket or the doctors. However, in recent years, many galleries, museums and cultural intuitions have used social stories to help people feel more comfortable when visiting for the first time.
Parliament’s social stories provide information and answers to key questions by guiding visitors through what to expect, from arrival at the front steps, the security check-in, visiting the chambers and leaving the building.
One story is written for visitors of all ages while the other is tailored for school visits and includes additional information about things such as our parliamentary role plays. Both social stories are available as a resource in the teach and learn section of our website, and on the accessibility tab at the bottom of all our visit pages.
These stories can be read online or downloaded and printed. They can be brought along when visiting.
If you have any accessibility requirements when visiting Parliament House, please contact our Tours and Customer Service Unit on (03) 9651 8568 or tours@parliament.vic.gov.au.