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Gambling report urges primetime ad ban
28 November 2023 Read the report
South Australia has banned gambling ads on television from 4pm to 7:30pm, now a parliamentary inquiry has concluded Victoria should do similar.
The Public Accounts and Estimates Committee (PAEC) is urging the state government to consider stricter rules on gambling ads during primetime broadcasts and in public places.
'More appropriate regulations and safeguards are needed to protect Victorians, especially our children and young people,' Committee Chair Sarah Connolly said.
The report also urges the government to consider the impact of reducing the total number of electronic gaming machines across the state and update education resources for school students about gambling and alcohol-related harms.
'Our culture has often been described as one that tends to normalise both drinking and gambling,' Ms Connolly said.
'The Committee heard evidence to suggest that this has become more entrenched than ever, with the rise in social media and digital technology.'
Over eight months PAEC reviewed three Auditor-General’s reports relating to the regulation of gambling and liquor, and reducing the harm caused by gambling.
'Our report’s 96 findings and 61 recommendations have been informed by 54 public submissions, three days of public hearings, a Geelong site visit and a youth roundtable,' Ms Connolly said.
A large group of young Victorians spoke openly and passionately about the prevalence of gambling and alcohol in their lives during the event at Parliament House in August.
'I’d like to give them a big shout out for being brave enough to share their lived experience and thoughts with Committee members,' Ms Connolly said.
Some of the youths returned to parliament to watch the tabling of the report on Tuesday.
You can read it in full on the Committee’s website.