Securing Victoria’s food supply
29 January 2024 Make a submission

Victoria’s foodbowl is the focus a parliamentary inquiry which is accepting public submissions until Friday 26 April 2024.
The impacts of urban sprawl and population growth at the fringe of the state’s major cities and regional towns are being examined by the Lower House probe.
The Legislative Assembly Environment and Planning Committee is looking closely at the farming and manufacturing of food in peri-urban areas.
Committee Chair Juliana Addison said securing Victoria’s food supply is vital for the future.
‘With our state’s population expected to rise above 10 million by the 2050s we must ensure we have enough arable land to sustain all of our food production needs,’ Ms Addison said.
‘Agriculture and farming industries crucially provide the fruits, vegetables, meat, dairy and countless other foods all of us rely on every day.
‘We need to consider ways to overcome the present and future challenges, so we can guarantee the longevity of our state’s food supply.’
Planning protections and restrictions, urban growth boundaries, climate change and Melbourne’s green wedges may also be considered by the inquiry.
Ms Addison has urged Victorians to have their say.
‘We want to hear from people involved in farming and other agricultural businesses on the peri-urban fringe of Victoria’s major cities and regional centres,’ she said.
‘We would also appreciate insights from those involved in other aspects of the peri-urban food system, including local governments, producers and planners.'
“ ‘Please make a submission by the due date so we can consider your evidence.’ ”
Committee Chair Juliana Addison
Public hearings will take place before the inquiry report is tabled by the end of 2024.
The Lower House inquiry into Victoria’s food supply shouldn’t be confused with a separate Upper House inquiry into food security.
The Legislative Assembly Environment and Planning Committee is focused on the peri-urban food system, which is directly related to the production of food on the urban fringe.
The Legislative Council Legal and Social Issues Committee is looking at whether people have access to sufficient safe and nutritious food to meet their dietary needs.
For more information and to make a submission go to the Committee inquiry website.