Sessional orders are the temporary rules of the Council. They may vary the standing orders or create new rules. They only apply until the next election.
You can also download a pdf of the Council's sessional orders.
1 Interruption of debate — Messages
In Standing Order 4.07(7) for “will” substitute “may”.
2 Order of business
Standing Orders 5.02(2) and (3) are suspended and the following order of business will apply on Wednesday —
Formal business
Members’ statements (up to 15 members)
Private member bills – moving second readings of bills for which precedence has been ordered
Short form documents motions (up to 2 motions)
General business
At 12.00 noon Questions
General business (continues)
At 5.15 pm, or after 300 minutes of general business has elapsed (whichever is later) Statements on tabled papers and petitions (30 minutes)
Petitions (qualifying for debate) (30 minutes)
Government business (maximum 60 minutes)
Adjournment (up to 20 members)
3 Time limits
(1) Standing Order 5.03 Time limits — Budget debate is suspended and the following will apply: Budget debate |
Total time | No limit |
Main Government lead speaker | 30 minutes |
Main Opposition lead speaker | 30 minutes |
Other lead speakers | 30 minutes |
Remaining speakers
15 minutes
(2) Standing Order 5.03 Time limits — General business (Standing Order 5.07) is suspended and the following will apply: General business (Standing Order 5.07) |
Total time | 90 minutes |
Mover/Sponsor | 20 minutes |
Lead speakers | 10 minutes |
Remaining speakers | 10 minutes |
Mover/Sponsor, in reply
5 minutes
(3) In Standing Order 5.03 Time limits, insert the following: Private member bills — second reading debate |
Total time | No limit |
Mover/Sponsor | 30 minutes |
Main Government lead speaker | 30 minutes |
Other lead speakers | 30 minutes |
Remaining speakers
15 minutes
(4) Standing Order 5.03 Time limits — Government bills — second reading debate is suspended and the following will apply: Government bills — second reading debate |
Total time | No limit |
Main Government lead speaker | 30 minutes |
Main Opposition lead speaker | 30 minutes |
Other lead speakers | 30 minutes |
Remaining speakers
15 minutes
(5) Standing Order 5.03 Time limits — Government business (Standing Order 5.06) is suspended and the following will apply: Government business (Standing Order 5.06) |
Total time | No limit |
Main Government lead speaker | 30 minutes |
Main Opposition lead speaker | 30 minutes |
Other lead speakers | 30 minutes |
Remaining speakers
15 minutes
(6) Standing Order 5.03 Time limits — Statements on tabled papers and petitions (Standing Order 9.10) is suspended and the following will apply: Statements on tabled papers and petitions (Standing Order 9.10) |
Total time |
30 minutes (a member with the call at the expiration of the total time will be permitted to complete their contribution) |
Each member | 5 minutes |
4 Disorderly conduct — Member ordered to withdraw: application during questions without notice
Notwithstanding Standing Order 13.03(2), if —
(1) a member is ordered to withdraw from the House under Standing Order 13.03(1) during questions without notice; and
(2) the time for questions without notice concludes before the expiration of the suspension period —
the member may return to the Chamber at the conclusion of question time and must serve the remainder of their suspension during the next occurrence of questions without notice.
5 Standing Committees - Membership
Standing Order 23.05(1) is suspended to the extent necessary to allow the following committees to consist of the following number of members:
(1) Economy and Infrastructure Standing Committee will consist of nine members; and
(2) Environment and Planning Standing Committee will consist of nine members.
6 Production of documents — short form documents motions
After Standing Order 10.01(3) insert:
(4) A motion under this Standing Order (other than a motion that imposes a sanction) may be treated by the Council as a short form documents motion. The following short form documents motion procedures
will apply —
(a) a member must advise of the intention for the motion to be treated by the Council as a short form documents motion at the time of giving notice under Standing Order 6.01;
(b) a maximum of two motions under this Sessional Order may be —
(i) moved by non-government members and debated each Wednesday;
(ii) moved by government members and debated on Tuesday and Thursday;
(c) if additional notices above the number permitted for debate each sitting day are given for short form documents motions, they will be listed on subsequent sitting days in the order that notice was given;
(d) a motion proposed to be debated under this Sessional Order will take precedence on —
(i) Tuesday and Thursday at the time prescribed for government business;
(ii) Wednesday at the time prescribed for short form documents motions in Sessional Order 2;
(e) the following time limits will apply to a short form documents motion —
(i) the mover of the motion may speak only once for up to six minutes;
(ii) any other member may speak for up to five minutes;
(iii) the total time for consideration of the motion will be up to 20 minutes; and
(f) at the conclusion of debate or after 20 minutes of debate (whichever occurs first), the President will put all questions necessary to dispose of the motion and any amendments.
The foregoing provisions, so far as they are inconsistent with the Standing Orders or practices of the Council, will have effect notwithstanding anything contained in the Standing Orders or practices of the Council.