Question details

Evelyn electorate

Legislative Assembly 59 Parliament First Session
6340: Constituency Questions
Ms Vallence to ask the Minister for Roads and Road Safety — 

(6340) My question is to the Minister for Roads and Road Safety, who is at the table, on behalf of local residents and businesses in Mount Evelyn. When will the government fix the dangerous and congested Hereford Road in Mount Evelyn to make it safer for motorists and pedestrians, particularly the very busy stretch between Birmingham Road and Burdap Drive. Hundreds of residents, from young children right through to the elderly, are concerned for their safety as a result of regular accidents and near-misses. The area has extremely low visibility. There is regular congestion outside the Mount Evelyn Medical Surgery and local businesses like Pro Futsal Mount Evelyn and Edge Martial Arts, where literally hundreds of children attend nightly for sports, having no safe way to cross from the small car park across the road. It is about time the Andrews Labor government and its transport department, VicRoads, stopped ignoring this dangerous road or trying to pass the buck to council. It is a state government responsibility. Residents are desperate for this road to be made safer, and I call on the Andrews government to do so.

Answer - 10 June 2022

The safety of everyone travelling on our roads is a priority of the Andrews Labor Government and we are continually looking at ways we can make it safer and easier for people to use our road network.


I have asked the Department of Transport (DoT) to consider your suggestion for improvements along Hereford Road as part of its ongoing monitoring of the network and to see what road improvements can be done.


Furthermore, the Government committed planning funding in the 2021-22 budget for a potential future upgrade of nearby York Road. Planning is underway to identify improvements between Swansea Road and Monbulk Road to improve safety and create more reliable journeys for road users. I understand that Major Road Projects Victoria (MRPV) has recently completed community consultation to help inform and shape the development of design options.





The Hon Ben Carroll MP

Minister for Public Transport

Minister for Roads and Road Safety

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View all questions
• Answered
11 May 2022
by Vallence, Bridget
10 June 2022
10 June 2022