Question details
Courthouse Hotel, Footscray
(796) The action I seek is for the Minister for Casino, Gaming and Liquor Regulation to refer the conduct of the Courthouse Hotel in Footscray to the Victorian Gambling and Casino Control Commission. There are deep community concerns regarding the operations of this venue. The Black Rhino Group, owners of the Courthouse Hotel, are reportedly billionaires with the means to ensure the safe operation of their venues. Their website claims:
All of our venues have been established on three pillars: Cold beer, good food and welcoming spaces.
This contrasts with a description of the venue on Tripadvisor:
… described as a hell hole. Typical of what happens to a pub when the sole focus becomes pokies. Toilets were putrid dirty, staff completely unaware and the atmosphere was worse than a funeral.
Local businesses have complained to me that the venue is a hub for antisocial and allegedly illicit activity, which impacts residents and nearby businesses. My office is nearby and I walk past it every day. I have seen the police attend the venue; there does not appear to be any security. I have felt unsafe walking past from the behaviour of patrons coming out of the Courthouse Hotel. I have called 000 for ambulances for people overdosing metres from the front door. Our community holds valid safety concerns for this area of Nicholson Street in Footscray, which is home to many migrant and family owned small businesses who believe that their livelihoods are being consistently threatened by the Courthouse Hotel. One neighbouring business, who have been there for decades, have told me they have had enough – they are leaving. I have also had a constituent report to me that they were refused service of a beer unless they were playing the pokies. Victoria Police are often called to the Courthouse Hotel to address altercations. It is open from 6 am to 2 am, although I note that the government’s reforms will soon force a change to this. If the owners will not clean up the Courthouse Hotel, the inspectors at the commission should.
I thank the Hon Katie Hall, Member for Footscray, for bringing this matter to my attention. The Victorian Government takes its commitment to ensuring licensed venues operate in a manner consistent with community expectations very seriously. That is why we have created dedicated gambling and liquor regulators with clear mandates to ensure gambling and alcohol are provided in a manner that respects the safety and wellbeing of our local communities. It is a privilege to operate a licensed venue in Victoria, not a right, and the rules for the service of liquor and gambling are clear. Any contravention of these rules will be met with the necessary enforcement response. I am concerned by the matters raised by the Member for Footscray and have referred her concerns to the Victorian Gambling and Casino Control Commission and the Victorian Liquor Commission. I will write to the Member for Footscray regarding the outcome of these investigations.
Hon Melissa Horne MP
Minister for Casino, Gaming and Liquor Regulation