Question details
Melbourne electorate
(5947) My constituency question today is for the Minister for Health, who is responsible for cemeteries in Victoria. I ask the minister: will this state government provide funding to improve the Melbourne General Cemetery in my electorate? The last 18 months have shown us all how much we need and value green open space, and in the inner city every single patch is precious.
For residents in Princes Hill and Carlton North in particular the Melbourne General Cemetery has been a welcome respite during lockdown: a place to walk, reflect and spend time outdoors. But this historic place is a little worse for wear. While there are some green areas, it is largely barren, with a lack of tree cover or vegetation. Residents want to see the cemetery improved with new trees and plants; however, unfortunately the body that runs the cemetery say they do not have the funding they would need to do this. The Andrews government has shown strong support for local parks and green areas in the last few years. It would be great to see them continue this by supporting the greening of this iconic and historic place to honour those who have come before but also provide a beautiful respite and space for those to come.
The Southern Metropolitan Cemeteries Trust is responsible for the management, operation and maintenance of Melbourne General Cemetery historical memorial park. The matters you have raised have been brought to the attention of the trust.
Martin Foley MP
Minister for Health
Minister for Ambulance Services
Minister for Equality
Date: 01 / 11 / 2021