Legislative Council petition #573 | presented 10 September 2024

Reject proposed Sunbury Road, Bulla Eco-Hub waste-to-energy incinerator

Petition sponsor: Sarah Mansfield
Response status: Awaiting Response
Portfolio: Planning
Response due: 10 October 2024

332 signatures

The petition of certain citizens of the State of Victoria draws to the attention of the Legislative Council that thanks to industry lobbying and greenwash, some are convinced that waste-to-energy incinerators are the clean alternative to landfill, however the facts tell a different story.

Incinerators threaten to stifle our shift to zero waste and a circular economy by locking councils into long-term contracts for waste generation, not reduction. Incinerators also generate significant amounts of hazardous waste, threaten people's health and produce climate pollution. Waste incineration is not a renewable source of energy as it is an extractive industry that burns waste made from virgin resources, mostly crude oil. Without intervention now, incinerators threaten to lock us into the old waste paradigm and become a source of significant environmental problems into the future.

The proposed incinerator site on Sunbury Road in Bulla will be located only one kilometre away from the nearest residential area and will add an additional 400 to 800 trucks to local roads a day. This is a prime example of this greenwashing and should not be permitted to proceed.

The petitioners therefore request that the Legislative Council call on the Government to reject the proposed Sunbury Road, Bulla Eco-Hub waste-to-energy incinerator.

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