Legislative Council petition #518 | presented 29 October 2024

Stop the destruction and privatisation of public housing

Petition sponsor: Samantha Ratnam
Response status: Response Received
Portfolio: Housing
Response due: 28 November 2024
Response received: 20 February 2025

403 signatures

The Petition of certain citizens of the State of Victoria draws to the attention of the Legislative Council that the Victorian Labor Government’s proposed destruction and privatisation of Victoria’s remaining 44 public housing towers will displace over 10,000 people during a housing crisis. Across Melbourne, 6,660 public homes are planned to be destroyed. The majority of the land will be used to build private, market-rate apartments. There is no public housing guaranteed on this land into the future. The average increase in social housing proposed over the next 28 years is just 15 homes per year. There are currently 125,000 people on the public housing waiting list. This plan will make it harder for everyone to find a secure, affordable home and will worsen the housing crisis.

The petitioners therefore request that the Legislative Council call on the Government to immediately stop the wholesale destruction and privatisation of public housing and instead maintain existing public housing and build new public housing on public land.

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