Legislative Council petition #538 | presented 19 February 2025
Restore the Fyansford Paper Mill water race wall
2,018 signatures
The Petition of certain citizens of the State of Victoria draws to the attention of the Legislative Council the need to restore the Fyansford Paper Mill’s sudden water race breach, which is on Crown land within the Barwon River.
The 1878 Fyansford Paper Mill and its water race is Australia’s only intact heritage paper mill. The Fyansford Paper Mill and water race are classified by the National Trust of Victoria as holding State significance and are included in Victoria's heritage register, VHR H0743, and heritage inventory, VHR H7721.
Being on Crown Land, under the Heritage Act 2017, it is the Heritage Council and its Executive Director's responsibility to conserve locations of this nature. This Crown land area has endured decades of neglect.
An independent environmental assessment stated that restoration of water flow is required to restore ecological values, including a platypus breeding area.
Prior to amalgamation, the Shire of Bannockburn and their contractors carried out regular maintenance and restoration of this precious heritage area.
The petitioners therefore request that the Legislative Council call on the Government to approve funding to restore the Fyansford Paper Mill water race wall breach, and to clear the water race of noxious weeds, rubbish, dead tree and non-native plants to enable water to flow again.