Scrutiny of Acts and Regulations Committee
The Committee, commonly known as ‘SARC’, examines all bills introduced into Parliament pursuant to section 17 of the Parliamentary Committees Act 2003. It publishes its findings in a report called an ‘Alert Digest’ generally on the Tuesday of a Sitting week.
Section 17 of the Parliamentary Committees Act 2003 contains principles of legislative scrutiny in relation to the bills including consideration of matters pursuant to the Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities Act 2006. The Committee also scrutinises statutory rules and legislative instruments pursuant to sections 21 and 25A of the Subordinate Legislation Act 1994.
The Committee follows the best traditions of non-partisan legislative scrutiny, originally commenced in the Australian Senate in 1981. The Committee does not comment on legislative policy. Non-policy scrutiny alerts the Parliament to the use of undesirable legislative practices and particular matters within its terms of reference.
The Committee's major areas of responsibility include
The Committee also receives references from Parliament or by Governor-in-Council Order.
Government departments and other authorities please note all documentation for subordinate legislation is sent via email to However, if there are a large number of submissions (e.g. 30+) the SARC would appreciate hard copies sent c/o:
SARC Secretariat,
Parliament House,
Spring Street, East Melbourne VIC 3002
If you have any questions, please contact (03) 8682 2836 or by email to

Scrutiny of Acts and Regulations Committee
Parliament House
Spring Street