How a law is made: Teacher guide

This teaching guide presents activities and a case study that have been designed for grades 3 to 6, but can easily be adapted for Years 7 to 12 as either establishing prior knowledge or consolidation activities.



The activities look at why we have rules and laws and the differences between them. This can be used in conjunction with our video 'Parliament of Victoria explains: How Parliament makes laws', with some questions to help student understanding of this process.

If you're looking to dig a little deeper, we've also provided a brief overview of the Domestic Animals Amendment (Puppy Farms and Pet Shops) Act 2017, commonly known as 'Oscar's Law', and some links to the parliamentary committee inquiry and government response.

Alternatively, the Legislative Council Economy and Infrastructure Committee conducted an inquiry into the use of school buses in rural and regional Victoria. This could be a great case study (no matter where you live) to investigate the role committees play in making laws. More information, including the terms of reference for the inquiry and the process of making a submission, can be found on the inquiry webpage.

  • Connections to the classroom and curriculum

    The curriculum connections below relate, but are not limited to, the Victorian Curriculum: Civics and Citizenship. The activities have been mapped specifically to the Grades 3 & 4 curriculum and have been designed to be adaptable to a range of classroom contexts and work flexibly, especially in terms of the amount of time spent and the depth of discussion.

    The description below provides an overview of how the resource maps to the achievement standards for Grades 3 & 4. The content descriptors following this overview relate to the most relevant connections between the content, activities, and Victorian Curriculum: Civics and Citizenship.

    Grades 3 & 4

    The activities in this resource allow students to develop an understanding of how decisions can be made democratically. Students recognise the importance of rules and distinguish between rules and laws. They describe how people participate in their community as active citizens and factors that shape a person’s views and perspectives on different issues.

    Government and democracy
    • Identify features of government and law (VCCCG001)
    • Identify how and why decisions are made democratically in communities (VCCCG002)
    Law and citizens
    • Explain how and why people make rules (VCCCL004)
    • Distinguish between rules and laws and discuss why rules and laws are important (VCCCL005)

    Grades 5 & 6

    The activities in this resource allow students to develop and extend their understanding of the role of parliament in creating laws. Students identify various ways people can participate effectively in groups to achieve shared goals. They analyse contemporary issues and use evidence to support a point of view about civics and citizenship issues. They identify possible solutions to an issue as part of a plan for action.

    Government and democracy
    • Discuss the values, principles and institutions that underpin Australia’s democratic forms of government … (VCCCG008) 
    Laws and citizens
    • Explain how state laws are initiated and passed through parliament (VCCCL012)
    Citizenship, diversity and identity
    • Identify different points of view on a contemporary issue relating to democracy and citizenship (VCCC015)
      Investigate how people with shared beliefs and values work together to achieve their goals and plan for action (VCCCC016)