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Parliament and the courts: Separation of powers

Hear from a panel of experts, representing parliament, government and the courts, who explore concepts surrounding the separation of powers, the evolution of this principle and its role as an accountability measure in our system of government.
The three videos in this series feature extracts from a panel conversation on 2 March 2023, hosted by the Parliament of Victoria and Victoria Law Foundation.
- Introducing the separation of powers
- The evolution of the separation of powers
- Accountability and the separation of powers
Participants included the Hon. Judge Elizabeth Brimer KC from the County Court of Victoria, Matt Fregon MP, Member for Ashburton and Deputy Speaker in the Legislative Assembly, and Robert McDonald, Clerk of the Legislative Council.
The videos consider the separation between the legislative, executive and judicial branches of Victoria’s democratic system, including:
- the responsibilities of each branch
- how each branch may interact with each other
- the different accountability functions
- the strengths and challenges of this system
- the implications when making and applying the law.
These videos are not intended to serve as a definitive resource for the topics covered, however, they do offer useful insights into the perspectives of the experts who took part in this conversation.