Three levels of government flashcards

Start a conversation with your students about the three levels of government using this handy set of flashcards.

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This set of cards can be used in different ways to explore the concept of three levels of government: federal, state and local. The cards consist of 30 different examples of services and issues that are the responsibilities of the different levels of government. There are also some services and issues that are the responsibility of more than one level of government, providing opportunities for students to extend their knowledge and consider some of the complexities of governance. A key has been provided, listing the different issues and services alongside the level of government that has the most responsibility for law-making in response to that particular area.

  • The Three levels of government flashcards can be used across multiple levels as a way of either introducing, consolidating or revisiting the three levels of government.

    Grades 3 & 4

    Using the Three Levels of Government flashcards can help students develop an understanding of the differences between government and the democratic process underpinning parliament’s role in law making (VVCCCG001), as well as the role of local government (VCCCG003). The flashcards can also be used to develop students’ understanding of the difference between rules and laws (VCCCL004) and the different rules and laws in their local communities.

    Grades 5 & 6

    At Grades 5 & 6 students explore the different levels of government and the roles and responsibilities of the different levels of government (VCCCG009). Using the flashcards can help to explore these levels of governments in relation to the ways laws are passed through federal and state parliament (VCCCL012). Students can compare and contrast the different electoral processes at each level (VCCCG010), the different number of elected representatives at each level and their roles (VCCCG011), and how parliaments and local government have been influenced by the Westminster system (VCCCG008).

    Years 7 to 10 

    At Years 7 to 10 students are exploring how citizens can actively participate in democracy, including elections, contacting elected representatives and working with interest or lobby groups (VCCCG019 & VCCCG020). The Three levels of government flashcards can be used as an activity to determine students’ prior knowledge, and also to determine the appropriate elected representatives to engage with about particular issues, as well as exploring the role of political parties at each level of government (VCCCG028). The different levels of government and their responsibilities can also be used as a point of comparison with another system of government (VCCCG029).

    VCE Legal Studies, Politics and Sociology

    While the three levels of government are not explicitly discussed in the relevant VCE study designs, the Three levels of government flashcards can be used to consolidate, where applicable, student understanding, especially in reference to the relationship between the three levels of government, the Constitution and Federation, and the deferred powers to local government from the state.

  • Three ways to use the new Three levels of government flashcards.

    This article provides suggested activities to introduce 'three levels of government' into your classroom using these flashcards.