“ Expressions of interest for work experience placements in terms 3 & 4 2025 are now open. ”
Experience work behind the scenes at Victoria's Parliament House
Whether you’re interested in politics, planting trees, law-making or baking, your work experience placement at the Parliament of Victoria will be an experience you’ll remember. This is a unique opportunity to undertake a week-long placement in either the Parliamentary Sitting or Parliamentary Services program. Placements run for 5 days: Monday-Friday, from 9am until 5pm each day.
Parliamentary Sitting placements provide the opportunity to see the law-making process up close. Students will go behind the scenes with the staff who directly support Parliament sittings, to get a deeper understanding of our democratic processes.
Parliamentary Services placements offer a variety of opportunities that can be matched with a broad range of student interests and career goals. Students will have the option to work with staff in one of the many professional service areas that support the day-to-day business of Parliament.
If you are interested in a placement with a member of Parliament, please contact the member's office directly.
To participate, you must be 15 years or older at the time of placement AND be a Victorian resident studying at a Victorian secondary school.
How to apply
Expressions of interest enable us to learn a little about you: your goals, aspirations, strengths, and interests.
The expression of interest will take you about 15 minutes to complete. You will need to complete the form in one session because you can’t save an incomplete form and return to it later. We've prepared a handy guide to help you prepare your expression of interest.
Key dates
Expressions of interest for terms 1 & 2, 2025 are now closed.
Expressions of interest for placements in terms 3 & 4 2025 will close at 5:00pm on Friday 1 August.
All students will notified of the outcome of their expression of interest by Friday 22 August.

The Parliamentary Sitting Program
This program is offered during the weeks when Parliament is sitting (meeting). Click here to find the 2024 sitting dates. This program is suitable for students interested in politics, economics and/or legal studies. There is also a customer service component of this program in supporting MPs and visitors to Parliament. During this placement, you will work with staff who directly support the sittings such as:
- The Clerk’s Office, which provides advice to the Speaker and other members of Parliament
- Procedure and Table Offices, the information hub on procedure and how the Assembly works
- Committees, who research issues and Bills being considered by Parliament
- Hansard and Broadcast teams, who produce the written record and the live webstream to share what happens in Parliament
- Tours and Customer Service, who assist members when they are in the chamber and deliver visitor and outreach programs.
Examples of the tasks and activities you might be involved in include:
- Setting up the Chambers for sitting days
- Preparing documents used in the Chamber
- Assisting with visitor registration
There may also be an opportunity to meet with your local Member of Parliament.

The Parliamentary Services program
This program is offered in both sitting and non-sitting weeks. There are different options available across different professional service areas that support the day-to-day business of Parliament. When completing your expression of interest form you can select a preference from these options:
Business Operations: Explore the essential functions that drive an organisation forward through Business Operations. From managing Human Resources to facilitating Learning and Development, overseeing Pay Services, and ensuring smooth Information Technology operations, each area plays a vital role. If you’re interested in any of these fields, the Business Operations stream offers an ideal opportunity to experience the critical functions essential to all workplaces.
Facilities Management and Maintenance: Join our dedicated Facilities Management and Maintenance team responsible for maintaining Parliament House and its surrounding gardens. Explore various aspects of building trades, horticulture, greenskeeping, gardening, security, and building/project management. If you’re interested in these fields and enjoy working outdoors, this program offers hands-on experience tailored to your interests. Please note: appropriate outdoor work attire is required, including steel cap boots, long pants, and a hat, with safety gear provided during your placement.
Broadcast (Hansard): Experience the innovative world of parliamentary broadcasting with the Hansard unit. Witness live parliamentary sittings, support audiovisual teams during events, and enhance your skills in video filming and editing. If you’re passionate about broadcast media, journalism, audiovisual production, or video and photo editing, this program offers a perfect opportunity to explore your interests in a professional setting.
Hospitality (Kitchen): Discover the vibrant atmosphere of our Hospitality (Kitchen) team, overseeing events, catering programs, and operating Strangers’ Corridor and Sessions Café at Parliament House. Gain hands-on experience in a bustling café and kitchen environment, perfect for those interested in pursuing careers in hospitality and event management. If you’re eager for real-world experience in these fields, this program is designed for you. Safe accredited food handing certificate, SITXFSA005 - Use hygienic practices for food safety, is required to complete this stream.
Parliament of Victoria will do its best to have placements available across the different areas of professional service, however, from time to time a placement in a particular area may not be possible.

Find out more
For more information about the Parliamentary Sitting program, please contact
Brenda Kittelty on (03) 9651 8556 or email serjeant-at-arms@parliament.vic.gov.au.
For more information about the Parliamentary Services program, please contact
Yasmina Khayat on (03) 8682 2629 or email learning@parliament.vic.gov.au.