
These charts display information about Victorian state elections from 2006 to 2022. The Electoral Matters Committee created all charts based on Victorian Electoral Commission data. Please note that data are provisional and may be updated as the inquiry progresses.

For maps showing voter turnout rate and informal voting rate across Victoria in 2022, click the button below:


2022 Victorian election participation maps

Voter participation and experience

Estimated eligible electors who cast a formal vote

Note: Combines estimated enrolment, turnout and formality in the Lower House to give an overall indicator of participation.


Enrolment, turnout and formality

Note: Lower House turnout and formality. Enrolment rates are estimates as at 30 June in the year after the election (2006 and 2010), at election time (2014 and 2018) or in December following the election (2022).


Types of informal votes (Lower House)


How people voted

Note: Small numbers of voters are also classified into other categories (not shown).


Formal complaints

Candidate participation and experience

Number of Lower House candidates


Number of Upper House candidates


Number of political parties contesting the election


Candidate satisfaction with the VEC's electoral management

Note: Based on responses by candidates to questions about information provided and arrangements to assist voters on election day.

Voting centres

Number of voting centres


Election-day voting centre accessibility

Upper House

Above the line and below the line voting (Upper House)


Comparisons of the proportions of first-preference votes to seats won