Accepting submissions | Submissions and comments are due by 3 February 2025.

The Victorian Parliament has asked us to recommend changes to the electoral system for Victoria’s Upper House.

That this House refers an inquiry into possible reforms to the composition of, and voting systems for, the Legislative Council to the Electoral Matters Committee for consideration and report no later than 8 December 2025.

Snapshot of inquiry

Changes to the electoral structure can affect who is elected to represent you in Parliament. We are currently investigating what structure would be best for Victoria’s Upper House.

We are calling for community input on the following questions:

  1. Should Victoria be divided into regions to elect members of the Upper House, or should all members be elected by the state as a whole?
  2. If there should be regions, how many regions should there be and how many members should each region elect?
  3. How many members of the Upper House should there be in total?
  4. Are there other changes to the way that members are elected to the Upper House that should be considered?

Have your say

We’ve produced a discussion paper providing more information and outlining six example structures.

The example structures are designed to help people understand the types of changes that are possible.

To have your say, you can:

Comments and submissions are due by 3 February 2025.

Subscribe for email updates to this inquiry

Contact us


Parliament of Victoria
Electoral Matters Committee
Parliament House, Spring Street
