
This inquiry was completed in the 56th parliament.


For more information on this inquiry, contact the Committees office: 


Phone: (03) 8682 2800



That this House requires the Law Reform Committee to inquire into, consider and report no later than 30 September 2010 on the arrangements for security and security information gathering at the State Government’s desalination plant under construction at Wonthaggi/Kilcunda and other similar construction projects and whether —

  1. the rights of Victorians, including those engaged in peaceful and legitimate democratic expression, are being respected by these new arrangements, with particular reference to: (a) contractual conditions relating to security information collection and sharing; and (b) Memorandums of Understanding signed by the AquaSure consortium and firms with similar arrangements at other projects with government agencies and instrumentalities; and
  2. any breaches of privacy have occurred or are likely to occur under these or associated arrangements and whether these arrangements are in the public interest.


Referred by the Legislative Council on 1 September 2010.

That this house requires the Law Reform Committee to inquire into, consider and report by 30 September 2010, concurrently with the inquiry referred to it by the Legislative Council on 24 March 2010 concerning the memorandums of understanding at the Wonthaggi-Kilcunda desalination plant and other construction projects, on the many memorandums of understanding signed by Victoria Police with various organisations in recent years.