
Previous public hearings

Corrected transcripts of these hearings are published below when finalised by the Committee.

  • Meeting Room G7 and G8, 55 Saint Andrews Place, East Melbourne, 3002

    10:30 AM

    Victorian Farmers Federation David Jochinke, President Annabel Mactier, Project and Policy Officer

    11:00 AM

    National Roads and Motorists Association (NRMA) Wal Setkiewicz, Senior Policy Adviser, Economics Carlita Warren, Senior Manager, Policy and Research

    11:30 AM

    APCO Service Stations Pty Ltd Robert Anderson, Director Peter Anderson, Director Ron Anderson, Managing Director

    12:00 PM

    ACAPMA (Australasian Convenience and Petroleum Marketers Association) Mark McKenzie, Chief Executive Officer

    1:00 PM

    Australian Institute of Petroleum (AIP) Nathan Dickens, Deputy Chief Executive Officer Peter Gniel, General Manager - Policy

    1:30 PM

    Informed Sources Nick Ferris, Commercial Manager, Asia Pacific Chris Huth, Regional Manager, Asia Pacific

    2:00 PM

    Australian Competition & Consumer Commission (ACCC) Matthew Schroder, General Manager, Infrastructure and Transport, Access and Pricing Branch Gary Dobinson, Director, Fuel Prices and Market Analysis

    2:45 PM

    Horsham Rural City Council Peter Brown, Chief Executive Officer

    3:05 PM

    Rural City of Wangaratta Eric Siegers, Economic Development Coordinator