
This inquiry was completed in the 57th parliament.

For more information on this inquiry, contact the Committees office:

Phone: (03) 8682 2800


That the Economic Development and Infrastructure Committee inquire into, consider and report to Parliament on the potential application of open content* and open source licensing to Victorian Government information, and in particular, the Committee is asked to:

  1. report on the potential economic benefits and costs to Victoria of maximising access to and use of Government information for commercial and/or non-commercial purposes, including consideration of:
    (i)  public policy developments elsewhere in Australia and internationally; and
    (ii)  the types of information that will provide the greatest potential benefit
  2. consider whether the use of open source and open content licensing models, including Creative Commons, would enhance the discovery, access and use of Government information;
  3. report on the use of information and communication technology to support discovery, access and use of Government information; and
  4. identify likely risks, impediments and restrictions to open content and open source licensing of Government information, including impacts on and implications for any existing cost recovery arrangements.

The Committee is required to report to Parliament by 30 June 2009.

* The Terms of Reference received by the Committee from the Legislative Assembly of the Parliament of Victoria referred only to 'open source licensing'. The Committee has determined that the intent of the Reference may be clarified by additional reference to 'open content licensing.