Drugs and Crime Prevention Committee
Inquiry into locally based approaches to community safety and crime prevention
For more information on this inquiry, contact the Committees office:
Phone: (03) 8682 2800
Email: cso@parliament.vic.gov.au
That under s 33 the Parliamentary Committees Act 2003, the Drugs and Crime Prevention Committee is required to inquire into, consider and report no later than 12 March 2012 on locally based approaches to community safety and crime prevention, and the Committee is asked to consider:
(a) the breadth of locally based groups and organisations addressing community safety and crime prevention issues within Victoria, particularly with regard to local government and Neighbourhood Watch;
(b) the approaches adopted by these groups in promulgating community safety and crime prevention practices, programs or initiatives;
(c) the extent to which these organisations are effective in engaging with local and state agencies in the development of policy;
(d) whether institutional or other arrangements support or impede such local groups in engaging in the development of community safety initiatives;
(e) whether there is a cost benefit to the community for current crime prevention strategies;
(f) whether alternate models for such organisations may improve outcomes; and
(g) local community safety and crime prevention arrangements in other jurisdictions, particularly within Australia, New Zealand and the United Kingdom.