Economic Development and Infrastructure Committee
Inquiry into mandatory ethanol and biofuels targets in Victoria
This inquiry was completed in the 57th parliament.
For more information on this inquiry, contact the Committees office:
Phone: (03) 8682 2800
For more information on this inquiry, contact the Committees office:
Phone: (03) 8682 2800
That the Economic Development and Infrastructure Committee to inquire into, consider and report to Parliament on mandatory ethanol and biofuels targets in Victoria – and, in particular, the Committee is required to :
- report on the merits or otherwise of a mandated target for alternative fuels including biofuels and ethanol;
- report on whether a mandatory target should be 5% by 2010, 10% by 2015 or otherwise;
- report on the measures required by Government to facilitate an alternative fuels industry in Victoria for transport and non-transport applications; and
- report on how to maximise the regional economic development benefits of a mandatory biofuels target including jobs growth and investment potential.
The Committee is required to report to Parliament by 31 March 2008.