
Previous public hearings

Corrected transcripts of these hearings are published below when finalised by the Committee.

    • Knight Kerr Room, Parliament House, Spring Street East Melbourne, Parliament House, Spring Street , East Melbourne, 3002

      10:00 AM

      Public Interest Advocacy Centre Ltd Deirdre Moor, Manager, Policy and Programs

      10:45 AM

      Colin Hughes

      11:15 AM

      Homeless Persons Legal Clinic, Public Interest Law Clearing House Caroline Adler, Manager/Principal LawyerAmy Barry-Macaulay, LawyerMonika Pekevska, Secondee Lawyer Victorian Association for the Care and Resettlement of Offenders Mary-Ann Robinson

      11:45 AM

      Australia Greens (Victoria) Stephen Luntz

      1:15 PM

      Michael Doyle

      1:45 PM

      Ethnic Communities Council of Victoria Sam Afra, ChairpersonJien-Yung Lo, Policy/Project Officer

      2:15 PM

      Anthony Van der Craats

      3:00 PM

      Victorian Electoral Commission Steve Tully, Electoral Commissioner Liz Williams, Deputy Electoral CommissionerSue Lang, Manager Communication, Education and Research
    • Knight Kerr Room, Parliament House, Spring Street East Melbourne, Parliament House, Spring Street , East Melbourne, 3002

      9:30 AM

      Ken Coghill

      10:00 AM

      Joo-Cheong Tham

      10:45 AM

      Action on Smoking and Health Anne Jones, Chief Executive

      11:15 AM

      Craig Ingram MP

      1:15 PM

      Urban Taskforce Australia Aaron Gadiel, CEO

      1:45 PM

      Festival of Light Peter Stevens, Victorian State Officer

      2:15 PM

      Citizens Electoral Council of Australia Jeremy Beck, ChairmanCraig Isherwood, National Secretary

      2:45 PM

      Democratic Audit of Australia Brian CostarSally Young, Senior Lecturer, Media and Communications

      3:30 PM

      Electoral Commission Queensland David Kerslake, Electoral Commissioner

      4:00 PM

      Kew Cottages Coalition Brian Walsh, President