Legislative Assembly Legal and Social Issues Committee
Inquiry into responses to historical forced adoptions in Victoria
The inquiry explored the support services and responses provided to the people in our community who endured the past practice of forced adoption going back several decades. Through forced adoption, also identified by some as forced family separation, a child’s natural parent, or parents, were compelled to give up their baby for adoption without their willing or informed consent. Groups involved included governments, non-government organisations, religious institutions and professionals such as doctors and social workers. Forced adoption practices predominantly took place between the 1950s and 1970s throughout Australia, but also occurred outside of this time period.
The inquiry received 114 submissions and heard from many mothers and adopted people who bravely shared their personal experiences at 11 days of public hearings in Melbourne and regional areas including Geelong, Wodonga and Kangaroo Flat. The final report was tabled in Parliament on 8 September 2021 and is available on the report tab.
The Government response under the Reports tab outlines how the Victorian Government will implement the recommendations made in the report.
For information regarding implementation of the Government's response to the inquiry, see the Government's website or contact forcedadoptioninquiry@justice.vic.gov.au.
For information regarding the Government's Historical Forced Adoptions Redress Scheme, see the Government’s website or contact forcedadoptions.redress@justice.vic.gov.au
Received from the Legislative Assembly on 28 May 2019:
An inquiry into support services and responses to the issue of historical forced adoptions in Victoria to the Legal and Social Issues Committee for consideration and report no later than 31 December 2020.*
*The reporting date has been extended to no later than 4 August 2021.
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Report on historical forced adoptions
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Legislative Assembly Legal and Social Issues Committee
Parliament House, Spring Street