
Public hearings are completed. Transcripts are available below.

Previous public hearings

Corrected transcripts of these hearings are published below when finalised by the Committee.

  • Parliament of Victoria , Spring Street, Melbourne, 3004

    9:30 AM

    Agriculture Victoria German Spangenberg, Head, Agriculture Victoria Research Graeme Anderson, Climate Specialist, Agriculture Services Branch

    10:40 AM

    Environment Victoria Nicholas Aberle, Campaigns Manager Taegan Edwards, Senior Campaigner

    11:50 AM

    Sustainability Victoria Claire Ferres Miles, Chief Executive Officer Stephanie Ziersch, Director of Communities and Climate Change

    2:00 PM

    Department of Environment, Water, Land and Planning (DELWP) Kylie White, Deputy Secretary for Environment & Climate Change Sharn Enzinger, Executive Director, Energy Group

    3:10 PM

    CSIRO Jane Coram, Director Land and Water Deborah O'Connell, Principal Research Scientist, Adaption Pathways and Societal Transition, Land and Water John Clarke, Team Leader, Projections Research and Science, Oceans and Atmosphere Martin Cope, Principal Research Scientist, Aerosol and Chemistry Modelling, Oceans and Atmosphere

    4:15 PM

    Deakin University John Donald, Interim Head of School, Life and Environmental Sciences David Halliwell, Director Research Partnerships, Science, Engineering and Built Environment Faculty and Research Industry Professor
  • Mildura Rural City Council , 76 Deakin Avenue, Mildura, 3500

    10:00 AM

    Mildura Rural City Council Simon Clemence, Mayor Mark Eckel Helen Healy Glenn Milne Jason Modica Jay Smith, Environmental Sustainability Coordinator

    10:50 AM

    Mallee Sustainable Farming Tanja Morgan, Program Manager

    11:40 AM

    350 Mallee Climate Action Group Emma Walmsley, Writer and Founder Carl Young, Vegetable Grower Sophie Appleby, Writer and Researcher

    12:30 PM

    Mallee Regional Innovation Centre Rebecca Wells, Chief Executive
  • Committee Room G1, 55 Saint Andrews Place, East Melbourne, 3002

    9:30 AM

    CSIRO David Karoly, Leader, Earth Systems and Climate Change (ESCC) Hub

    10:15 AM

    Bushfire and Natural Hazards CRC Richard Thornton, Chief Executive Officer

    11:00 AM

    Friends of the Earth Melbourne Leigh Ewbank, Coordinator, Act on Climate Victoria

    11:45 AM

    AEMO (Australian Energy Market Operator) Violette Mouchaileh, Executive General Manager, Emerging Markets and Services Nicola Falcon Monica Morona, Senior Energy Policy Analyst

    1:30 PM

    Green Building Council Australia Davina Rooney, CEO Sandra Qian, Senior Manager, Policy and Government Relations

    2:15 PM

    Insurance Council of Australia Karl Sullivan, Head of Risk and Operations

    3:00 PM

    Australian Institute of Architects Julia Cambage, CEO
  • TBC - Wangaratta location to be advised, 62-68 Ovens Street, Wangaratta, 3677

    9:30 AM

    Goulburn Broken Greenhouse Alliance Bronwyn Chapman, Executive Officer

    10:15 AM

    Benalla Rural City Council Larissa Montgomery, Environmental Sustainability Coordinator Indigo Shire Council Jenny O'Connor, Mayor Sophie Price, Deputy Mayor Murrindindi Shire Council Rebecca Bowles Rural City of Wangaratta Scott Draper, Natural Resource Manager and Sustainability Coordinator City of Wodonga Kat Bennett Robyn Nicholas, Sustainability Coordinator

    11:35 AM

    Wodonga Albury Toward Climate Health Lizette Salmon, Convenor, and Coordinator, Repair Cafe Albury-Wodonga
  • TBC - Shepparton location to be advised, 90 Welsford Street, Shepparton, 3630

    10:30 AM

    Greater Shepparton City Council Sharon Terry, Team Leader, Sustainability and Environment Moira Shire Council Marie Martin Campaspe Shire Council Allison McCallum, Environmental Project Officer, Conservation Mitchell Shire Council David Atkinson, Deputy Mayor, and Vice-Chair, Goulburn Broken Greenhouse Alliance Elyse Kelly, Environmental Coordinator Mike McIntosh, Director, Development and Infrastructure Strathbogie Shire Council Carole Hammond, Coordinator, Climate Change and Environment

    11:50 AM

    North East Region Sustainability Alliance (NERSA) Rowan O'Hagan, Member

    12:35 PM

    Benalla Sustainable Future Group David Blore, Member Kay Blore, Member

    1:00 PM

    GV Community Energy Geoff Lodge, Chief Executive Officer
  • Meeting Room G6, 55 Saint Andrews Place, East Melbourne, 3002

    9:30 AM

    Psychology for a Safe Climate Charles Le Feuvre, Vice-President

    10:15 AM

    Vic Catchments Paula Camenzuli, Statewide Climate Change Coordinator Adam Bester, CEO, Glenelg Hopkins Catchment Management Authority

    11:00 AM

    Emerald Community House Mary Farrow, Manager

    11:45 AM

    CERES John Burne, Infrastructure Manager and Board Member Rod Duncan, Board Member

    12:30 PM

    Coalition for Community Energy (C4CE) Heather Smith, Chair

    2:00 PM

    City of Melbourne Krista Milne, Director, Climate Change Action Kim Le Cerf, Team Leader, Climate Change Mitigation Resilient Melbourne Maree Grenfell, Deputy Chief Resilience Officer

    2:45 PM

    Eastern Alliance for Greenhouse Action Josh Fergeus, Executive Committee Chair Scott McKenry, Executive Officer
  • Meeting Room G6, 55 Saint Andrews Place, East Melbourne, 3002

    10:15 AM

    Victorian Farmers Federation Lisa Gervasoni, Senior Stakeholder Policy and Advocacy Advisor, Land Management and Planning Grady Powell, Policy and Advocacy Manager

    11:00 AM

    Council Alliance for a Sustainable Built Environment (CASBE) Natasha Palich, Executive Officer

    11:45 AM

    Northern Alliance for Greenhouse Action David Meiklejohn, Executive Officer Michaela Skett, Environmentally Sustainable Development Unit Manager, Moreland City Council

    2:00 PM

    Victorian Council of Social Service (VCOSS) Emma King, Chief Executive Officer Bridget Tehan, Policy Adviser

    2:45 PM

    Energy Networks Australia Tamatha Smith, General Manager, Corporate Affairs Chris Gilbert, Senior Economic Adviser
  • Lighthouse Theatre Warrnambool, 185 Timor St, Warrnambool, 3280

    9:30 AM

    Warrnambool City Council Tony Herbert, Mayor Jodie McNamara, Manager City Strategy and Development

    10:15 AM

    Moyne Shire Council Robert Gibson, Manager Environment and Regulatory Services

    11:00 AM

    Southern Grampians Glenelg Primary Care Partnership Joanne Brown, Manager Health and Wellbeing
  • Eastern Hub, 285A McKillop Street, East Geelong, 3219

    10:30 AM

    Western Alliance for Greenhouse Action Fran Macdonald, Executive Officer Tim Mordaunt, Senior Sustainability Officer, City of Greater Geelong

    11:15 AM

    Surf Coast Shire Council Rose Hodge, Mayor Rowan Mackenzie, Manager Environment and Community Safety Lauren Watt, Coordinator, Environmental Sustainability

    12:00 PM

    Geelong Sustainability Vicki Perrett, President Vivienne Burke, Secretary and Public Officer Tim Adams, Committee Member

    12:45 PM

    BRACE (Barwon Region Alliance for Community Energy) Adrian Ford, Co-convenor
  • Mornington Shire Council Chambers, 2 Queen Street, Mornington, 3931

    12:30 PM

    Port Phillip EcoCentre Fam Charko, Acting Executive Officer

    1:15 PM

    Bayside Climate Change Action Group (BCCAG) David Williams, Vice-President

    2:00 PM

    Mornington Peninsula Shire John Baker, CEO Melissa Burrage, Climate Change, Energy and Water Stephanie Delaney, Agribusiness and Food Industry Officer

    2:45 PM

    South East Councils Climate Change Alliance Dominique La Fontaine, Executive Officer Emily Boucher, City of Kingston and SECCCA President
  • Parliament of Victoria , Spring Street, Melbourne, 3004

    2:30 PM

    Emergency Management Victoria Andrew Crisp, Emergency Management Commissioner Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP) Lee Miezis, Deputy Secretary, Forest, Fire and Regions Group Country Fire Authority Alen Slijepcevic, Executive Director of Bushfire Management Parks Victoria Mark Norman, Chief Conservation Scientist, Executive Director of Environment and Science Australian Red Cross Sue Cunningham, Director, Victoria Victorian State Emergency Service Jamie Devenish, Manager, Emergency Management Planning
  • Bairnsdale Shire Council Chambers, 273 Main Street, Bairnsdale, 3875

    9:35 AM

    East Gippsland Shire Council Natalie O'Connell, Mayor Fiona Weigall, General Manager, Assets and Environment Stuart McConnell, General Manager, Place and Community

    10:15 AM

    East Gippsland Landcare Network Jenny Robertson

    11:00 AM

    East Gippsland Climate Action Network Peter Gardner Rosemary Gooch Nick Blandford

    11:30 AM

    Allen Sheridan
  • Quality Inn & Suites Traralgon, 5601 Princes Highway, Traralgon, 3844

    10:30 AM

    Gippsland Climate Change Network Darren McCubbin, Chair Chris Barfoot, Board Member Malcolm McKelvie, Board Member Esther Lloyd, Communications Officer

    11:15 AM

    Bass Coast Shire Council Deirdre Griepsma, Manager, Sustainable Environment Baw Baw Shire Council Michael Leaney Latrobe City Council Sharon Gibson Darrell White Darren Howe Wellington Shire Council Darren McCubbin Carolyn Crossley

    12:15 PM

    Bass Coast Landcare Network Dave Bateman, Executive General Manager

    12:50 PM

    Latrobe Valley Sustainability Group Lorraine Bull, President Ian Onley, Member
  • Bendigo Town Hall, 189-193 Hargreaves Street, Bendigo, 3550

    9:30 AM

    City of Greater Bendigo Jennifer Alden Bernie O'Sullivan, Director of Strategy and Growth

    10:15 AM

    Bendigo Sustainability Group Chris Corr, Member, & Project Manager Community Power Hub Bendigo Colin Lambie, Member Cathie Steele, Board Member

    11:00 AM

    Wimmera-Mallee Sustainability Alliance Gil Hopkins, Acting Executive Officer

    11:45 AM

    Central Victorian Greenhouse Alliance Rob Law, Executive Officer

    12:30 PM

    Make a Change Australia Karen Corr, Founder and Co-Producer
  • Mecure Hotel, 613 Main Road, Golden Point, 3350

    10:30 AM

    City of Ballarat Terry Demeo

    11:15 AM

    Renewable Newstead Genevieve Barlow, Spokesperson

    12:00 PM

    Hepburn Wind Taryn Lane Hepburn Shire Council Dominic Murphy, Sustainability Officer

    12:45 PM

    BREAZE Mary Debrett, Vice President