Previous public hearings
Corrected transcripts of these hearings are published below when finalised by the Committee.
Wednesday 29 August 2007
11:00 AM
Action on Disabilities within Ethnic Communities Licia Kokocinski, Executive Director2:00 PM
Ethnic Communities' Council of Victoria Jieh-Yung Lo, Policy Project Officer Phong van Vliet, Executive Officer2:30 PM
Communication Resource Centre, Scope Victoria Ltd Cathy Basterfield, Speech pathology consultant -
Tuesday 28 August 2007
10:45 AM
Proportional Representation Society of Australia (Victoria-Tasmania) Inc. Geoffrey Goode, President11:15 AM
Victorian Aboriginal Legal Service Co-operative Limited G Clarke, Research Officer3:15 PM
United Nations Youth Association of Australia (Vic) A. Bleby, President G. Diego, Divisional Policy Officer P. Niklas, Divisional Vice President