
This inquiry was completed in the 56th parliament.

For more information on this inquiry, contact the Committees office:

Phone: (03) 8682 2800


On Wednesday 14 April 2010, the Legislative Council referred to the Education and Training Committee an inquiry into the administration of the Federal Government’s Building the Education Revolution (BER) program in Victoria.


1. To the Education and Training Committee - to inquire into, consider and report on the administration of the Federal Government's Building the Education Revolution (BER) program in Victoria, with particular regard to:

  • the levels and appropriateness of any fees and charges imposed by Victorian Government agencies;
  • whether construction costs of BER projects are in line with industry standards;
  • the use of local builders and tradespeople during the construction of BER projects;
  • whether outcomes were of acceptable quality and suitable to the needs of each individual school;
  • the effectiveness of any measures put in place by the Victorian Government to ensure contracts to deliver BER projects are timely, transparent, accountable and represent best value for educational outcomes in Victoria; and
  • any other related matter; and

2. The Committee is required to provide an interim report to the Parliament by 31 August 2010 and a final report by 31 December 2010.