Economic Development and Infrastructure Committee
Inquiry into the effects of government-funded national broadcasting on Victoria
This inquiry was completed in the 57th parliament.
For more information on this inquiry, contact the Committees office:
Phone: (03) 8682 2800
For more information on this inquiry, contact the Committees office:
Phone: (03) 8682 2800
The Lieutenant-Governor as the Governor's Deputy, with the advice of the Executive Council, under sections 4EC and 4F of the Parliamentary Committees Act 1968, refers the following to the Economic Development Committee:
To inquire into and make recommendations on the role and adequacy of government-funded national broadcasting and to examine the impact of these broadcasters on the Victorian economy and community.
Terms of Reference:
In particular the Committee is required to:
(i) examine the current and long-term distribution of government-funded national broadcasting resources and the effect of this distribution on Victoria;
(ii) examine the effects on industry, including broadcasting, film and video production and multimedia;
(iii) examine the effects on the arts and cultural life in Victoria including whether government-funded national broadcasters adequately service Victoria, and Melbourne, as Australia's second largest city; and
(iv) examine the programming mix available from government-funded national broadcasters and how programming decisions are made and whether the programming which is delivered is geographically balanced.
The Committee is required to report to the Parliament by 30 March 1999.
Dated: 2nd June 1998
Responsible Minister:
Minister for Industry, Science & Technology
To inquire into and make recommendations on the role and adequacy of government-funded national broadcasting and to examine the impact of these broadcasters on the Victorian economy and community.
Terms of Reference:
In particular the Committee is required to:
(i) examine the current and long-term distribution of government-funded national broadcasting resources and the effect of this distribution on Victoria;
(ii) examine the effects on industry, including broadcasting, film and video production and multimedia;
(iii) examine the effects on the arts and cultural life in Victoria including whether government-funded national broadcasters adequately service Victoria, and Melbourne, as Australia's second largest city; and
(iv) examine the programming mix available from government-funded national broadcasters and how programming decisions are made and whether the programming which is delivered is geographically balanced.
The Committee is required to report to the Parliament by 30 March 1999.
Dated: 2nd June 1998
Responsible Minister:
Minister for Industry, Science & Technology