Economic Development and Infrastructure Committee
Inquiry into the impact of the goods and services tax in Victoria
For more information on this inquiry, contact the Committees office:
Phone: (03) 8682 2800
The Governor in Council, under section 39 of the Parliamentary Committees Act 1968 issues the following terms of reference to the Economic Development Committee for inquiry into the Goods and Services Tax in Victoria:
a) Assess the impact on the Victorian economy of the GST on the competitiveness of small and medium sized businesses with particular reference to regional Victoria including an examination of:
- LPG prices;
- petrol prices;
- electricity prices;
- compliance costs; and
- the cost of Government services
b) Report by the first day of the Spring 2000 Parliamentary session.
Dated: 29 February 2000
Responsible Minister:
Steve Bracks
Clerk of the Executive Council
Variation of the terms of reference and reporting date of the Economic Development Committee:
Parliamentary Committees Act 1968
Order in Council
The Governor in Council, under s 39 of the Parliamentary Committees Act 1968 varies the Order in Council dated 29 February 2000 by which matters relating to the impact of the Goods and Services Tax in Victoria were referred to the Economic Development Committee, as follows-
(1) in paragraph a), delete all words after item IV, and insert the following items:
- the adequacy of the compliance assistance package and ongoing support provided by the Commonwealth government for the new tax system;
- the impact on small and medium sized businesses of the new tax system's reporting requirements including the impact of providing the first two Business Activity Statement returns and associated tax payments; and
- the cost of Government services.
(2) delete paragraph b), and insert:
- Report by 30 April 2001.
Dated: 10 October 2000
Responsible Minister:
Steve Bracks
Helen Doyle
Clerk of the Executive Council