Legislative Council Economy and Infrastructure Committee
Inquiry into the increase in Victoria’s road toll
The inquiry investigated the increase in the Victorian road toll in 2019. Amongst other things, the inquiry examined the adequacy of:
- driver drug and alcohol testing regimes
- speed enforcement measures and speed management policies
- response to smart phone use, including the use of technology to reduce the impact of smart phone use on driver distraction;
- road standards and the road asset maintenance regime
- driver training programs and related funding structures
- road collision data collection.
On 5 June 2019, the Legislative Council agreed to the following motion:
That this House requires the Economy and Infrastructure Committee to inquire into, consider and report, no later than 1 December 2019, on the increase in the Victorian road toll in 2019, including but not limited to, an examination of the —
(1) current Victorian Towards Zero Road Safety Strategy 2016-2020 and progress towards its aim of a 20 per cent reduction in fatalities with 200 or less lives lost annually by 2020;
(2) adequacy and scope of the current driver drug and alcohol testing regime;
(3) adequacy of current speed enforcement measures and speed management policies;
(4) adequacy of current response to smart phone use, including the use of technology to reduce the impact of smart phone use on driver distraction;
(5) measures to improve the affordability of newer vehicles incorporating driver assist technologies;
(6) adequacy of current road standards and the road asset maintenance regime;
(7) adequacy of driver training programs and related funding structures such as the L2P program; and
(8) adequacy and accuracy of road collision data collection — put and agreed to.
* The reporting date for this inquiry has been changed to 31 March 2021.
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Legislative Council Economy and Infrastructure Committee
Parliament House, Spring Street