
This inquiry was completed in the 58th parliament.

For more information on this inquiry, contact the Committees office:

Phone: (03) 8682 2800


Self-referenced by the Committee on 5 June 2017:

That the Environment, Natural Resources and Regional Development Committee inquire into the Victorian Environmental Water Holder annual report 2015-16 and report, no later than June 2018, into the management, governance and use of environmental water in Victoria including, but not limited to —

  1. the assessment of the role of environmental water management in preventing or causing ‘blackwater’ events;
  2. how environmental water and environmental water managers interact with, and utilise, management tools such as carryover and whether the carryover of environmental water impacts on the availability of water for irrigators;
  3. consideration of what barriers exist to the more efficient use of environmental water and how these may be addressed; and
  4. assessment of fees and charges applied to environmental water and whether these differ from those imposed on other water users.