
This inquiry was completed in the 58th parliament.

For more information on this inquiry, contact the Committees office:

Phone: (03) 8682 2800


On 24 February 2016, the Legislative Council agreed to the following motion:

That, pursuant to Sessional Order 6, this House requires the Legal and Social Issues Committee to inquire into, consider and report, no later than 1 March 2017, on the operation and regulation of the retirement housing sector (including retirement villages,
caravan parks, residential parks and independent living units) with the aim of identifying opportunities for improvement and reform and, in particular, the Committee should consider —

1. existing legislation that relates to retirement housing, in particular recommendations for reform of retirement housing legislation to ensure it —

a. reflects the diversity of retirement housing types;
b. includes proper consumer protections, dispute resolution procedures, fair pricing, and consistent, simplified management standards and regulations across the sector; and
c. has a focus on dignity, respect, appropriate care and quality of life for retirees.

2. comparable reviews and recommendations for reform in other Australian and overseas jurisdictions;

3. the experiences and views of residents of retirement housing and their families and retirement housing owners and managers;

4. the option to appoint a Retirement Housing Ombudsman; and

5. the impact of local government rating on retirement housing.