
This inquiry was completed in the 58th parliament.

For more information on this inquiry, contact the Committees office:

Phone: (03) 8682 2800


Received from the Legislative Council on 6 May 2015:

To the Environment, Natural Resources and Regional Development Committee to inquire into, consider and report, no later than 31 March 2016*, on the sustainability and operational challenges of Victoria’s rural and regional councils, including but not limited to the following —

(a) local government funding and budgetary pressures;

(b) fairness, equity and adequacy of rating systems;

(c) impact of rate-capping policies;

(d) capacity for rural and regional councils to meet responsibilities for flood planning and preparation, and maintenance of flood mitigation infrastructure;

(e) maintenance of local road and bridge networks; and

(f) weed and pest animal control.


* The reporting date for this inquiry has been extended to 30 March 2018.