Inquiry into whether Victoria should participate in a national electoral roll platform
What was the inquiry about?
This inquiry looked at whether Victoria should participate in a national electoral roll platform (rather than the state of Victoria continuing to maintain its own electoral roll platform).
What is the inquiry up to now?
We have now tabled the final report for this inquiry.
The Government has six months to respond to the recommendations in the report. The response will be published on this website when it is received. In its response, the Government will indicate whether it supports the Committee’s recommendations. It can also outline actions it may take.
Terms of Reference
On 4 August 2021 the Legislative Assembly agreed to the following motion:
That this House refers an inquiry into whether Victoria should participate in a national electoral roll platform to the Electoral Matters Committee for consideration and report no later than 16 March 2022 and the Committee should consider:
(a) the possible implications, if any, of a national electoral roll platform on the independence of the Victorian Electoral Commission;
(b) the security and integrity of Victoria’s electoral system; and
(c) mechanisms to ensure the security and integrity of electoral systems and events in other jurisdictions around Australia and internationally to determine best practice.
Contact us
Electoral Matters Committee
Parliament House
Spring Street