
This Inquiry expired on 12 October 2022.

The Committee is reviewing pandemic orders made by the Minister for Health under pandemic laws. The orders are available on the Victoria Government’s Pandemic Order Register.

The Committee reports to Parliament on the orders, including any issues it identifies. It may also recommend that a pandemic order (or parts of an order) be disallowed or suspended.

Under the Public Health and Wellbeing Act 2008, the Committee may review and report on pandemic orders where they: 

  • do not appear to be within the powers of the Act 
  • without express authority given under the Act: 
    • have a retrospective effect 
    • impose taxes, fees, fines or other penalties 
    • shift the legal burden of proof to a person accused of an offence 
    • allow for subdelegation of powers delegated under the Act.

The Committee may also report on whether an order is incompatible with the human rights under the Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities Act 2006.