Details about public hearings completed for this Inquiry can be found in the tabs below.
Previous public hearings
Transcripts and responses to questions on notice are published below when finalised by the Committee.
Thursday 14 December 2023
11:00 AM
NTEU Ruth Jelley, Assistant Secretary VIC (Professional Staff) Dr Kay Wilson AEU Victoria Meredith Peace, Branch President2:00 PM
The Police Association Victoria Chris Kennedy, Assistant Secretary Victorian Ambulance Union Danny Hill, Secretary3:00 PM
Injured Workers Support Team Vasalia Govender Francine Rose Sue Rose Michael Jandula -
Wednesday 13 December 2023
2:00 PM
Mental Health Victoria Marcelle Mogg, CEO Emma Greeney, Executive Director Strategy, Policy and Advocacy3:00 PM
Paul Serong, Occupational Rehabilitation Provider Australian Rehabilitation Providers Association Frank Imbesi, Victorian President4:00 PM
Australian Lawyers Alliance Shaun Marcus, National President Lachlan Fitch, Victoria Branch Committee President -
Tuesday 12 December 2023
10:00 AM
WorkSafe Victoria Joe Calafiore, Interim Chief Executive Officer Roger Arnold, Executive Director, Insurance Department of Treasury and Finance Chris Barrett, Secretary Kate O'Sullivan, Acting Deputy Secretary, Commercial Bernard Gastin, Executive Director Financial Assets and Liabilities Department of Premier and Cabinet Jason Loos, Deputy Secretary, Economic Policy and State Productivity11:00 AM
Victorian Trades Hall Council Luke Hilakari, Secretary Wilhelmina Stracke, Assistant Secretary CPSU Karen Batt, Secretary Geoff Lewin HACSU Paul Healey, State Secretary ANMF Rachel Halse12:00 PM
AIG Tim Piper, Head Victoria Jack Carmody, Lead OH&S Policy Adviser for the Victorian Congress of Employer Associations3:00 PM
Victorian Allied Health Professionals Association Vivek Rajan, Senior Industrial Officer Medical Scientists Association of Victoria Lisa Alcock, Secretary