Report Tabled | The Committee tabled its Final Report on 27 August 2024.

Submissions for this inquiry have now closed and will be published here once processed by the committee.

Read the Inquiry's Terms of Reference

Make a Submission to this inquiry

Inquiry into the "Inquiry name goes here"

You can make a submission by completing this online form.

Our making a submission page has more information including confidentiality and parliamentary privilege.

Your contact details

Before completing this form, please read and agree to the following information.

If the Committee accepts your submission, your name and submission will be published on the Committee’s website.

Your contact details, including your address, email and phone number, will not be published. We ask these questions for verification purposes only.

If you have reasons to request that your name or submission remain private, you may do so later in this form.

If you are not submitting on behalf of an organisation, please leave the organisation field blank.

I have read and understood the above information
Where did you hear about this inquiry?
My submission is on behalf of an organisation

Your submission

Enter your submission in the box below, and/or upload up to 3 files by selecting all the files you want to upload.

We can accept the following file formats: PDF (.pdf), Word (.doc and .docx), Text (.txt), Audio (.mp3) and Video (.mp4).

Are you interested in appearing before the committee in person to talk about your submission?

Submit and finish

Wherever possible, the Committee prefers to publish names and submissions on its website. The Committee may also quote your submission in its report to the Parliament.

If you have reasons to request that your name or submission remain private, you may do so below. You must set out the reason for your request clearly so that the Committee can make a decision.

Please note that we remove personal information such as residential addresses, email addresses and phone numbers from all submissions prior to publication.

I agree that my submission will be treated as a public document and published online unless the committee accepts that its confidential
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