Legislative Assembly Legal and Social Issues Committee
Inquiry into support for older Victorians from migrant and refugee backgrounds
Older Victorians face many challenges, including social isolation, civic participation, digital literacy, elder abuse, dementia and access to aged care and home care services. These challenges can be particularly difficult for those with a migrant or refugee background.
The inquiry examines ways to improve the overall physical and mental health and wellbeing of older Victorians from migrant and refugee backgrounds. This includes an examination of current Victorian support services and recommendations for improvement.
This study is about older people. It is for people that live in Victoria but were born in a different country.
We wanted to know what helps them have a happy life. We wanted to know how they find the help they need. We wanted to know how they stay well.
We were told things that were good. We were also told things that were not good. The report says how we can make things better.
On 4 August 2021 the Legislative Assembly agreed to the following motion:
That this House refers an inquiry into support for elderly migrants and refugees to the Legal and Social Issues Standing Committee for consideration and report no later than 17 February 2022* and the Committee should consider the needs of older Victorians from migrant and refugee backgrounds including, but not limited to, an examination of the:
(a) adequacy of services for older Victorians from migrant and refugee backgrounds;
(b) unique challenges faced by this cohort, including, but not limited to, social isolation, civic participation, digital literacy, elder abuse and access to culturally appropriate aged care and home care services; and
(c) ideas to advance the physical and mental health and wellbeing of Victoria’s multicultural seniors including global best practices.
*The reporting date has been extended to no later than 30 June 2022.
Promotional material
Please access the following material to learn more or promote the inquiry:
Translated resources
Translated resources are available in a poster or brochure. For hard copies of these materials please contact the secretariat.
Easy English guide
Easy English uses simple language and images to help people understand complex information. This guide provides information on the inquiry and how to make a submission.
Snapshot 3
Snapshot 2
Snapshot 1
Contact us
Legislative Assembly Legal and Social Issues Committee
Parliament House, Spring Street