Wednesday, 8 February 2023
Boronia train station
Boronia train station
Jackson TAYLOR (Bayswater) (19:22): (26) Sixty million dollars – that is what we are going to get on and deliver for a major upgrade to Boronia station, and I am so excited that, as promised, we will deliver that $60 million. Not only will it transform the suburb with a major upgrade of the station, but we will deck over the southern railway trench to create new open space for the community and ensure better integration with the surrounding precincts. Boronia station has not been touched for nearly 25 years so, rightfully, locals – after supporting this proposal – are super keen to know: what next? So I wish to raise a matter for the Minister for Public Transport, and the action that I seek is for the minister to inform my community about the election commitment we made to deliver a $60 million major upgrade and what the next steps are in delivering this massive project.
This is the biggest investment in a generation in Boronia, and it will deliver the modern station and precinct that Boronia locals need and deserve. Here is a snapshot of some of what we will deliver: a massive overhaul of the station, which will include facade upgrades, platform upgrades, improved lighting, CCTV and furniture. This will activate and create the heart of Boronia by decking over the southern rail trench to create new pedestrian and community spaces that will bring more life to the precinct and create lots of open space. The decking will also create direct pedestrian access from car parking to the Dorset Road shops, making it easier for locals to get around central Boronia. And there will be a major upgrade to the bus interchange, which will also receive new shelters and furniture so passengers can be protected from the elements and can transfer from train to bus services in comfort. Also, disability access will be improved, with upgraded paths and more handrails and tactile surfaces, and it will create lots of good local jobs too.
Works will commence by 2024 and will be completed in 2026. I am extremely proud to be building, in a very big way, on the work that we are already doing in revitalising Boronia, with around 20 localised projects delivered, underway or soon to start with the investment Boronia has been crying out for in the form of this major investment into the station. I tell you what: I am extremely proud to be part of this government that recognises Knox, that listens and delivers.