Tuesday, 21 February 2023

Members statements

Horsham-Lubeckā€“Murtoa-Glenorchy roads, Lubeck

Horsham-Lubeckā€“Murtoa-Glenorchy roads, Lubeck

Emma KEALY (Lowan) (13:01): I continue to be contacted by constituents concerned at the ongoing safety risks at the Horsham-Lubeck Road and Murtoa-Glenorchy Road intersection near Lubeck. There have been numerous collisions at this dangerous intersection, resulting in a fatality in 2016 and a serious accident in December 2020. I raised this issue in Parliament in December 2020, which resulted in the installation of rumble strips and vehicle-activated electronic warning signs. However, I was alarmed to learn recently that those signs have since rusted out and been removed by VicRoads. Tragically, just earlier this month there was a two-vehicle collision involving a truck and a utility at the same intersection, now without warning signage. Fortunately, no-one was seriously injured. However, the dangers of this intersection are clear. I therefore ask the Minister for Roads and Road Safety to take urgent action to improve safety at this dangerous intersection.