Thursday, 5 October 2023

Constituency questions

Sunbury electorate

Sunbury electorate

Josh BULL (Sunbury) (14:51): (349) My question is for the Minister for Skills and TAFE in the other place. Minister, what is the latest information on this government’s commitment to deliver a brand new TAFE in Sunbury? As the minister is well aware, the delivery of a brand new TAFE within my community in Sunbury is a significant and incredibly important commitment to my community. It is a promise that I took of course to the last election, it is a promise that was voted for and indeed it is a promise that will be delivered. My community is very excited for this project and eagerly awaiting more news. As we get on and deliver what is a very important facility, and a very important initiative for my community to deliver skills and training for what is a growing community, I look forward to the delivery of this project. Again I ask the minister for the latest information on this critical project.